P3:Henry Adams:
I had no money with me, "and the captrin made me work out my passage
for no pay as common sailer". By the time I stepped ashore here in
London, my clothes were in the shabby state you see.
"船長派我做普通水手的工作,以抵船資 "
I reached in the envelope and took out my money. I had made a mistake.
It wasn't a one-pound note, it was a note for a million pounds!
Five million dollars in my hand!
P9:My credit was always good with him. Well, you can see the way
of it, can't you? "I gradually drifted into buying whatever I wanted,
and asking for chang."
P11:I even won the highest honor "London can bestow".
"倫敦能夠給予的 "
P14:Henry Adams:
Ms.Langhem, you're very beautiful and bright and winning and you have
the rare gift of being cheerful "where no cause for cheerfulness" seems to exist.
P3:Henry Adams:
I had no money with me, "and the captrin made me work out my passage
for no pay as common sailer". By the time I stepped ashore here in
London, my clothes were in the shabby state you see.
"船長派我做普通水手的工作,以抵船資 "
I reached in the envelope and took out my money. I had made a mistake.
It wasn't a one-pound note, it was a note for a million pounds!
Five million dollars in my hand!
P9:My credit was always good with him. Well, you can see the way
of it, can't you? "I gradually drifted into buying whatever I wanted,
and asking for chang."
P11:I even won the highest honor "London can bestow".
"倫敦能夠給予的 "
P14:Henry Adams:
Ms.Langhem, you're very beautiful and bright and winning and you have
the rare gift of being cheerful "where no cause for cheerfulness" seems to exist.