20091211 的今天,是京都議定書滿十二週年的日子,十二年過去了,當年出生的嬰孩如今已長成一個大孩子了, 而我們做了多少改變和努力以達成當年議定書中對碳排放量的協議呢? 當地球的全球暖化問題真實地近在眼前迫在眉睫, 當全球的氣候變遷貨真價實地影響了過去幾百年的生態、景觀時, 我們該更積極地以具體的方式行動並身體力行的做出改變。 這不該只是為了往後三十年、五十年的政治、經濟、社會的權利, 而該是為了百年後的世世代代子子孫孫,還有過去現在未來生活在這藍色星球的所有生物,無論單細胞多細胞 。 這顆美麗的藍色星球從來就不只屬於人類這項生物, 在人類耗用過多資源的今天, 我們該還給其它生物一個適合生存的星球。而這一切都該由我們自身做起~It's us. 1995 年 Michael Jackson 在英國發行了 Earth Song 單曲及MV, 這是第一支關懷地球與環境議題的音樂和影片, 在那個「溫室氣體」還是個新興名詞年代, 在那個「氣候暖化與變遷」尚在發展概念的時空下, 這首由 Michael Jackson 本人親自作詞作曲的樂曲,如今再一次聽來格外令人動容與深刻。 2009/12/11 Earth Song Earth Song (地球之歌)What about sunrise 想想那陽光 What about rain 想想那雨 What about all the things 想想這所有的事物 That you said we were to gain... 你認為我們應該得到的一切 What about killing fields 想想那些死去的土地 Is there a time 想想過去 What about all the things 想想這所有的事物 That you said was yours and mine... 你認為所有屬於你和我的一切 Did you ever stop to notice 難道你已經閉上了眼睛 All the blood we've shed before 看不見許多已經流下的血 Did you ever stop to notice 難道你已經關上了雙耳 The crying Earth the weeping shores? 聽不見大地母親的點點淚滴 Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah What have we done to the world 想想我們所做的一切 Look what we've done 看看我們做了什麼 What about all the peace 想想這所有的和平 That you pledge your only son... 承諾給孩子的一切 What about flowering fields 想想那美麗的花園 Is there a time 想想過去 What about all the dreams 想想所有的夢想 That you said was yours and mine... 你認為屬於你和我的一切 Did you ever stop to notice 難道你已經閉上了眼睛 All the children dead from war 看不見戰場裏孩子飄蕩的靈魂 Did you ever stop to notice 難道你已經關上了雙耳 The crying Earth the weeping shores 聽不見大地母親點點的淚滴 Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah I used to dream 我曾經有一個夢想 I used to glance beyond the stars 我曾經仰頭張望那美麗的星空 Now I don't know where we are 現在我失去了自己的方向 Although I know we've drifted far 雖然我知道已經離開的太遠太遠 Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Aaaaaaaaah Hey, what about yesterday 昨天怎麼辦 (What about us) What about the seas 海洋怎麼辦 (What about us) The heavens are falling down 天堂正在墜落~ (What about us) I can't even breathe 我已經無法呼吸 (What about us) What about the bleeding Earth 想想哭泣的地球 (What about us) What about elephants 大象怎麼辦 (What about us) Have we lost their trust 我們失去了它們的信任 (What about us) What about crying whales 想想哭泣的抹香鯨 (What about us) We're ravaging the seas 我們蹂躪了海洋 (What about us) What about forest trails 那森林又該如何 (ooo, ooo) Burnt despite our pleas 欲望燒毀了一切 (What about us) What about the holy land 想想神聖的土地 (What about it) Torn apart by creed 信條被隨意撕毀 (What about us) What about the common man 想想普通的人們 (What about us) Can't we set him free 誰能還給他們自由 (What about us) What about children dying 想想垂死的孩子們~ (What about us) Can't you hear them cry 難道你聽不到他們哭泣聲 (What about us) Where did we go wrong 我們將要墮落到何處 (ooo, ooo) Someone tell me why 有人能告訴我嗎 (What about us) What about babies born 嬰兒怎麼辦 (What about it) What about the days 他們要怎麼過下去 (What about us) What about all their joy 孩子的歡娛何在 (What about us) What about the man 人們在幹什麼 (What about us) What about the crying man 想想哭泣的人們 (What about us) What about Abraham 想想偉大的亞伯拉罕 (What was us) What about death again 想想地球滅絕的重現 (ooo, ooo) Do we give a damn 這是我們的末日嗎? Aaaaaaaah Oooooooh Aaaaaaaah Oooooooh